Friday, May 26, 2017

Brief Lights- Berkeley High School Commission

"Brief Lights" was commissioned by Berkeley High Orchestra alum William Cayanan. It was written to commemorate a number of BHS alums who died recently, and seeks to explore the lights and memories that are left behind when young people pass before their time" -Itai Bojdak-Yates
Premiered in Berkeley California Community Theater by the Berkeley High School Band and Orchestra, conducted by Karen Wells on May 26th, 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017

Me Ahogue (I drowned)

This (work in progress) piece is based off of a song that was a part of a larger work: Mundane Delirium (see earlier post)
Here is the video of the original rendition of Me Ahogue, a song about drowning in systemized oppression as well as drowning in issues pertaining to mental health.
The orchestral rendition is neither programatic nor absolute, just an expression of sonic drowning.

Photo was taken during during the ceremony where I was awarded BU's undergraduate compositional award.